
The Latest from BEC

Addition by Subtraction

March 6, 2024

By Dave Bushy, PCC As a coach, much of my initial work with clients is digging deep into the details about their professional experience and developmental desires.  I spend time learning about who they are – essentially “what is” about them. And sometimes I hear from them about what they don’t feel they have achieved […]

Giving the Limelight to Awareness (The Queen of Nothing)

February 22, 2024

By Allison Iantosca, ACC I have always wanted to be the Queen of something, I think. In fact, I recently checked this with my ego, asking if this was historically true? My ego sort of scoffed in an “as-if- there-was-ever-any-question” sort of way. I asked back if we could kind of ratchet the Queen part […]

Triangulation in Executive Conversations 

February 7, 2024

By Dave Bushy, PCC I recall a lot of conversations between senior executives.  Often, we (myself included) would spend time talking about other people in the organization – most especially when they were not present.  And it wasn’t always positive. Did you ever know a senior executive who had an opinion about everyone in the […]

What Puppy Training Can Teach Us About Leading a Team

January 24, 2024

By Lisa B. McNeill, PCC We brought home a new puppy just before New Year’s.  Day Two, and we were teetering between puppy joy and exhaustion, mixed with a good dose of anxiety.  We asked ourselves, “Are we doing it right?” “Have we ruined this experience for her so she’ll never be able to use […]


January 10, 2024

By Dave Bushy, PCC As I begin to work with new clients ranging from manager to the C-suite, they often assure me, and in the process no doubt assure themselves, “I’m not a micromanager…” I probe. What do they experience when saying those words? It turns out that, for some leaders, even the hint of […]

“You’re No Bargain”

December 27, 2023

By Dave Bushy, PCC A long time ago one of my favorite newspaper columnists* wrote a piece about a conversation she had with a relative celebrating an anniversary after many years of marriage. She had inquired about how the relationship could survive so long.  The answer that I paraphrase here was amazingly simple: “Walk into […]

The Possibility of Change

December 13, 2023

By Allison Iantosca, ACC Change. Is it really possible? For a person to change? The answer is yes…and no. No, not if they don’t want to. Not if they are so locked into a preserving mindset that anything that nibbles at its corners is too much of a threat. No, definitely no, if you’re trying […]

What’s With the Sigh?

November 29, 2023

By Dave Bushy, PCC I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.                                                 Robert Frost – “The Road Not Taken” As coaches, in service to our clients, we often use metaphors, […]


November 17, 2023

By Dave Bushy, PCC Have you ever been absolutely certain of something, only to learn you were not correct?  Join the club – we’ve all been there. Except for the admonition we’ve all heard about death and taxes, certainty is almost never certain, is it?  As leaders and professionals, the attribute of certainty can support […]

When Was Your Last Physical?

November 2, 2023

By Dave Bushy, PCC Kind of an odd question coming from an executive coach, wouldn’t you say? One time I was speaking with a client about the importance of self-care.  The client was a person who attended to his team, took care of their needs and was always there for them.  He never missed a […]

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